About the App

I am worried my alarm will activate when it shouldn’t!

If the alarm does mistakenly activate, you have 20 seconds to cancel the alarm before your contacts are notified. A push notification and siren will alert you that the alarm has gone off. Please log into your phone and cancel the alarm in the One Scream app.

What should I expect if the alarm is activated?

The phone will vibrate, you will hear a loud siren, and the lights of your phone will flash. You have 20 seconds to go into the app and cancel the alarm before your contacts are notified.

How can I stop the alert if I am not able to cancel within the 20 seconds?

If an alert from an Android phone has been sent to your contacts, it is crucial to stay on the line and confirm your false alarm. All iOS users are asked to immediately inform their helpers about the false alarm.

What is the red/oragne bar on the top of my iPhone screen?

Apple requires the red or orange bar to show when an app is using your microphone while continuously running in the background.

How do I know One Scream is ON?

You will see a red or orange bar at the top of your screen, this bar signifies that One Scream is activated. 

In which countries is One Scream available?

Currently One Scream is available in the UK only. We hope to launch in other countries soon!

When should I use One Scream?

We would want you to have One Scream activated in the event of a sudden or unexpected attack. However, it is down to your discretion when you turn on One Scream. There are instances where we recommend you should definitely turn One Scream on, such as when walking home alone late or going for a long run alone.


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